Monday, September 10, 2012

A warm and fuzzy message.

In less than two months Americans will once again go forth and cast their ballot ( As they say in Chicago, Vote early and vote often)  It doesn't matter to me how you vote just as long as you do!  That is, as long as you are not dead, you are a U. S. A. Citizen and have enough smarts to know what the dickens you are voting for and why.  So many Americans citizens can not even name the three branches of government and one guy even thinks there are 57 states in the United States and another guy can't remember what state he is in. Right now I am in a silly state of mind.
Study the issues!  And don't take the word of the idiot talking heads on TV or the Rumor Mongers on the internet or your idiot neighbor who is growing pot in his back yard in full view of God, Country and the cop who lives down the street, but I digress.
  If you are one of those group huggy kind of people, this year you have a choice.  If you are a real American and want the nation to return to a good balanced budget and a smaller government, if you want less regulations and more liberties and personal freedoms.... you also have a choice!  But it ain't gonna get made if you are sitting on your butt.  So be sure to get out and vote!
  Tomorrow we will be off the soap box and get back to our normal silly crap I post here. 
                                                Carry on troops and Semper Fi!

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