Monday, October 29, 2012


Sorry but my French is a little Le Rusty.  Bobby Anderson mild mannered North Park Mechanic by day turned into a French Werewolf  or  Loup-garou en français ou en homme-loup after eating some Frenh Fries at the local Burgers R Us fast food joint down town North Park across the the street town's only stop light.
He had been talking to one of Wade about the upcoming Bronco game and pored some bad salsa on top of the fries.  Bobby usually dips his fries in good homegrown Salsa like all red blood Americans do but this batch of Salsa came from  Dax, France.  Most people do not know it but Dax, France, is famous for their hot sauce and actually call their sauce Le Salsa Dax and some people think this is where the idea for LSD came from but that is another story.  Anyway, Bobby Anderson figured he was supposed to change into a regular run of the mill American Werewolf when the moon was full like normal.  He would spend the night chasing down some deer and having a gay old time and maybe hook up with some local Werewoman.   For some odd reason the French salsa and the french fries changed him early into a French Poodle.  How strange is that?  Will Bobby Anderson get his regular human body back?  Check in tomorrow for more scary tales from North Park, Colorado.

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