Sunday, March 31, 2013

A chick with an Attitude.

Today is the first day of the rest of our life.  A new beginning ...let's see if we can get it right this time.
It is also part of Pass Over and Easter.  
Christian holidays for some one reason or another have created a whole passel of buy products or extra icons like the Easter egg, chocolate bunny, Santa Claus, Elves, pixies, Christmas Trees and Trick, a rabbit that farts out colored eggs etc etc.
Since these things have no connection with the original intent of the holiday they are not actually reflective of the holiday and can actually be used by any other religion that wants to use them.
It would be interesting if the Muslims were to install some sort of cartoon animal or such in relation to one of their own holidays and make the holiday about their own kids. But in reality they would rather do some somber rememberense something that happened when some old bearded guy croaked 1,000 years ago.  Maybe that is the major difference between Christians and Islam. To Christians the big deal is when things are born and to Muslims it is when they die.
 Be that as it may, today is Easter and as such for us it is a day of going to church, having family reunions, Easter egg hunts, and eating lots of food.  Forget for the moment that sometime in the future you will finally find that rotten smelly colored egg that some kid never found today.

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