Monday, December 23, 2013


 This is what our Christmas Tree looks like...We could have bought a larger tree but it was our choice to display a "Tree" that looks like this rather than a six or eight foot tall tree with tons of decorations all over it.
So much is being made of income inequality in our nation these days by the television talking heads and pontifiicators on both sides of the aisle. 
So many people make a big point of hating the "1%" People, the one percent of the population that owns 75% to 80% of the wealth of the world.  Angry words are made of people who come from humble beginnings and through the choices they make in their life they create lots of money.  Other people make other choices and end up poor and destitute.
As we go along the long road we call life choices keep popping up, really quite small choices are made each day that build up on top of each other.  Some choices are quite logical like, brushing our teeth in the morning and taking a shower.  Other choices are unconscious  choices that could save one's life.  Example we are leaving for work in the morning and after going to the car feel an urge to go back to the bathroom.  In doing this unconscious act we are delayed from out trip to work by a couple of minutes.  On the way to work we pass by an accident that happened in the very same spot we would have been in had we not gone back to the bathroom earlier.
Life is full of decisions and later on in life those decisions we made 40-50 years ago will pay us good or bad depending on the choices we made. 
 A new year is coming upon us and the decisions we make next year good or bad will affect us later on in life kind of like a delayed reaction.  It is all up to us, the government may think they can make those choices for us but in the end it is all our own decision.
Santa Claus is thinking of winter vacation in Hawaii with Mrs. Claus even when he is loading up the sleigh with toys for all the good kids of the world as long as they are Christian...(?) Too bad Santa is not allowed to visit Muslim kids with some fun toys...I wonder if they even know what they are missing?

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