Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Got Chocolate?

okay I admit I stole the idea for this gag
 from a candy bar commercial... 
I had thought of a different visual gag to go along with the written gag...
Imagine an elephant wrapping it's trunk around a tour bus and slamming it into the earth and Tarzan giving the elephant a chocolate bar and the elephant changing into Tarzan's buddy Cheeta.

"President Obama will attend a NATO summit in Wales
 this week with 67 other world leaders.
 He’s trying to project strength, so the White House
 says he'll be wearing his toughest shade of tan suit." 
–Jimmy Fallon

"President Obama will be at a NATO summit, 
where he will discuss the recent actions of 
Vladimir Putin, who wasn't invited. 
Then Putin said, 'Has that ever stop me before?'" 
–Jimmy Fallon

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