Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Maybe we should try something different

     I woke up yesterday with this cartoon
 burned into my brain. 
 I mean no disrespect to either Joseph Smith
 or television commentator Glenn Beck.
 The idea was that since before I was born 
our answer to Islamic violence against other Muslims,
 Christians, Jews and anyone who do not fit into their 
model of social and religious behavior was more violence. 
 It got me to thinking: what if everyone who
was not involved with Islamic Jihad,
 started to pray for those soul so filled 
with hate and revenge.  
As we used to say it can't hurt.  

The reason I used our prophet Joseph Smith, 
who I testify was a true prophet of God just 
like Noah, Moses, Issac and Abraham, 
was that he is the perfect person to pray 
for the souls  of those tortured people.
 Those misguided Islamic Terrorists, 
so full of hate that they have almost gone mad
 with a desire to harm other people. 
 One might say it is our Christian duty.

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies,
 bless them that curse you, do good to 
them that hate you, and pray for them 
who spitefully use you, and persecute you" 
 Mathew 5:44

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