Thursday, May 1, 2014


I got the inspiration for this at the Denver Zoo watching one of the zoo's Rhinoceros showing off for the humans.

How do you spell rhinoce... rinocero... rhinosera...  
How would you know if I spelt it right?

Why do rhinos have horns? 
To tell other animals to get out of the way.

What do you call a rhino without a horn? 

Can rhinos see well? 
Ever seen a rhino with specs?

What did the rhino say to Napoleon Bonaparte?
 Nothing. Rhinos don't speak French. 
 How can you tell that a rhinoceros has been in your fridge?By the footprints in the custard.
Why do rhinos paint their feet yellow? So that they can hide upside-down in the custard.
Did you ever find a rhinoceros in your custard? No? Well, it must work.
How do you know there is a rhinoceros in the oven? You cannot shut the door.
How do you make a rhinoceros float? With two scoops of ice-cream, a bottle of cream soda, and a rhinoceros.

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