Thursday, April 24, 2014

What is life?

Remember the old saying "Life is a Bitch and then you die."?  Maybe if we make the right choices and try a little can be something oh much better.
For the past few weeks I have really been struggling with this cartoon & blog.  Coming up with a new cartoon each day has been a real dread at times.  It was mostly a mental struggle and many questions like:  Why am I doing this, what direction am I going in? Strangely enough since I am a life long money grubbing Republican, I never thought about how much money I could earn from this.  At the same time, many dark ugly thoughts kept creeping into my mind after reading news from around the world, negative social comments on facebook and best of all dealing with allergies every day and not sleeping very well at night.  
This morning, I got to thinking that maybe this little cartoon is my mental break or vacation from reality.  I do this more for me than anything because it forces me to think at least one good thought each day.  
Try that, think one good thought each day and see how much better your out look will change for the better.
So here I am at yet another fork in the road.  Do I keep on struggling trying to do stuff like everyone else of do I change to the simple cute and happy messages each day?  I like what you see above and think as long as I can do them this is my direction. 
LIFE IS GOOD MOST OF THE TIME long as you know where to look.

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