Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Al Gore Affect On Weather

Per radio talking head Rush Limbaugh, the cause of the drought in California is because the state has gone over board on the Green agenda thus causing a nature back lash.  In a perverted way this theory makes as much sense as repeating over and over that the more money we throw at global warming it will apease the weather Gods and peace and harmony will once again be upon the land. 
Mean while smog created in China is filling up the air on the west coast and California beaches are red hot with radiation from Japanese Nuke power plants.  At the same time down in Mexico well water is polluted and air pollution from Mexico is covering southern Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas.  In the end America is blamed because it is because of us they make stuff to sell to us and if we did not buy their stuff they wouldn't be polluting the sky and water.
"The report on climate change said that humans are very likely making the planet warmer. To which Hillary Clinton said, 'Hey, can't blame me for that one.'" 
--Jay Leno

"There is a new bill in the Senate that is upsetting a lot of people. This bill would give the President the power to shut off the Internet. Al Gore is strongly opposed to it. Not because he invented the Internet. Because he did. But because he just signed up for"
–Craig Ferguson

"They're saying that now Al Gore has won the Nobel prize, Al Gore has a huge international platform to fight global warming. Kind of sad. Today, he stepped on the platform and it collapsed."
 --Jay Leno 
Q: How do Prius owners drive? 
A: One hand on the wheel, the other patting themselves on the back 
Q: What is the most dramatic scene in Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth!"?
 A: When the glacier melts and they find more hanging chads!



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