Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Today is Wednesday, or as we here in America call it "Hump Day".  Today is halfway to the the week end when working stiffs supposedly have two days of complete freedom from their place of work. 
"It all sounds good on paper but will it play in Peoria?" This is another really old cliche from the old vaudeville days.  The American language commonly called English is full of cliches that make no sense in merry old England just like in England they use tons of idiot cliches that sound really silly to us on the other side of the pond like, "I'll come knock you up in yer flat."  If I were to say this it would mean I was going to make you pregnant while you were laying in your bed. 
It kinda sorta  also makes me wonder what wonderful cliches they must have in Russia, Poland or maybe Germany that sounds really silly to us but makes perfect sense to the person uttering the nonsense.

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