Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Healing the sick

The down side to ACME Health Care (or Obama Care) is that it is loosely based on a Soviet Modal or one size fits all and Central Planning.  The official name of ACME Health Care is the "Affordable" Health Care Act.  Since it has nothing to do with health care and is actually just another Taxing machine it often makes some of us wonder if it was created by Rube Goldberg.
"Mister President Are you Sure you Are Qualified to make Medical decisions?"
"Of course I am qualified!  I was Qualified to become President of the United States with my extensive experience in Community Organizing wasn't I?  Since I am qualified to be the President of the United States, that makes me the most powerful man in the Universe!  As such since I am qualified to be the most powerful man in the Universe that makes me qualified to do anything including telling you how to live your life.  I can also create jobs and wealth with a smart phone and can cure the sick and lame with the laying on of my hands and saying,  YOU ARE HEALED BROTHERS AND SISTERS!  SAY HALLELUJAH....   CAN I HEAR A....PRAISE THE LORD!"

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