Saturday, June 1, 2013

Poor little Alice

Some times in our travels through life we ask the wrong person or persons for direction.  Here young Alice is looking for the White Rabbit in Wonderland and she ended up getting directions from an old stoner who thought she was looking for a hit on Heroin the drug.  Grace Slick did a big song back before most people's time called white rabbit and while most people at the time thought it was a simple song about little Alice wondering through Wonderland it was about the fact that the story it's self was full of drug references such as a pill to make you taller or smaller etc etc.  Smaller and larger being uppers and downers. The Stoners or drug users used term White Rabbit to indicate the white powder Heroin.  Of course this was during the time of the "Summer of Love"  when everyone was supposed to drop out and drop in and turn on.  The time of really great music and a true dividing line of the old and new. We were having peace demonstrations and marches and race riots and race marches. 
Time marches on and most of those kids that went out to change the world became part of it and not much really changed. 
By the way I did this cartoon sitting in our camper while camping in the middle of a wind storm and at times it felt like the wind was going to knock over the trailer.  Great fun in "camping".

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