Monday, November 3, 2014

Hillary 2016

 This is a follow up of yesterday's cartoon
 pertaining to Hillary Clinton's Jobs Pixie.
One of the major issues that some 
 Libertarian leaning conservatives 
have had with the recent presidents is that they
 have been able to pick and choose what area
 of the country and which business's fail 
and those that have lots of money thrown their way.  
If the agenda of a private company 
has to do with anything "Green",  
the federal government will give them
 more money than they can spend. 
If on the other hand a firm has no connections
 with the Federal Government and is not
 involved with some form of  "Green" agenda, 
their is no money for them.  
Or as the Soup Nazi from Jerry Seinfeld would say,
 "No Soup For You!"

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